
A Week In

Coming up on one week since I moved in. In that time I've met a number of really cool people. Kate, down the hall, is a bohemian girl with indecision plaguing her junior year. Across from her is the out-spoken conservative, Kristan, a rare breed in these parts. Sam, Patrick, and Sean occupy the next few spots, providing outlooks ranging from 'jock' to film junkie. To my right lie two architects. Jon just got back from a year at Oxford, and doubles as the floor RA. Lisa, a painter on top of her design skills, has the biggest room on the floor and rightfully so because she fills it with her own incredible creations.

Campus life is how I expected it. I find it difficult to isolate myself from the social life of the dorm. Its so easy to walk down any hall and find someone worth killing time with, exploring each others pasts censor free. I've found myself a few times in situations where topics of conversation hit home with both parties, splicing connections easily. Most of the time however its just a joking atmosphere.. throwing fruit, planning practical jokes, giving everybody and anybody a hard time.

A week in. One of 200 left. Time will tell whether I'll be counting the last days in anticipation or dejection.


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