
A Week of Changes

Its weird to look back on exactly a week ago from my last post, and think how different things were for me. I quit my job, packed half of my belongings into luggage, and moved 800 miles away for the summer. Actually all of that took less then 72 hours, but who's counting? So now here I am.. Santa Maria, CA on a ranch in the middle of nowhere. Its more isolated then I originally had thought it would be, but in a good way. Its 25 minutes of dirt road just to get to a secluded highway, which is still 15 minutes from the next town. Isolation has its advantages; Jake (the friend I'm living with) and I have free reign to do what we'd like when we'd like it. The last 3 nights we've golfed while Tivo'ing playoff basketball, then came home and ate steaks, drink beer, and watched the game we Tivo'd. If thats not a hard life I don't know what is.

The house is hilarious, totally custom and not in the good way. Windows are scattered and scarce, most of them custom cut and obnoxious, sliding glass doors dominate the entries, and its a two story house with only one level.. if that makes sense. There is a downstairs and an upstairs, but downstairs is not below the upstairs. Don't try to figure it out, its not worth it. But really I don't care, in fact I've never cared where I sleep. In the last year I've lived 3 different places, slept on over 10 couches and floors, and never had a greater or worse sleep in between. I'm very lucky to have the ability to be comfortable just about anywhere I go, or at least the illusion of comfort.

Its also hard to complain about where you are when the view is 360 degrees, and never a disappointment. In the morning the central California coast line fog rolls in, blanketing all the surrounding valleys and occasionally the house itself which sits upon a hill. In all directions less then 5 houses can be seen, and the closest ones are still a few football fields away. Mules and horses are the only lawn mowers around here, and deer are as common as people. Jake has attested to seeing a tarantula, 2 scorpion, deer, a couple foxes. I've seen the latter of the two, and hope to see more.

Its now 1:30 in the morning, and I better get to bed because I have a big day of.. well I'm sure I'll find something to do. But if I don't, all the better. :)

FYI: Click the title of the post to go to my flickr page.. otherwise use this link http://flickr.com/photos/84316050@N00/


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