
Personal karma delivery

Tonight I was supposed to do two different things. Both of them were parties, and one's I would have very much enjoyed, but now I'm sitting here typing this. Actually its probably a blessing in disguise because its rare I get a night to just relax and do things I promise myself I'll do all week. I relied on someone for transportation, someone who has proved useless and flaky in the past, and that was most definitely not a wise decision. Maybe this is some tricky foreshadowing, a silent warning to not trust another flaky guy, the aforementioned DUI. I'll need to call him tomorrow, because he hasn't shown up to work the last couple days. Smart move on his part, he was going to get fired as soon as he showed up.

The irony of having this new powerbook is that despite its amazing ability to enhance my productivity, I think my overall productivity level has gone down. Using the word 'productive' in such a general context is always up for interpretation, but as far as simple goals go, I'm falling behind: reading more, keeping up with my bike maintenance (especially in this wet weather), stretching.

Update on transportation situation: girl called asking for a bailout "yah our night went sour and can you grab a guy friend so we can hang out for a couple hours".. I won't deny I felt a tinge of satisfaction in telling her it wasn't worth it for me or my potential friend. That isn't a lie, I was planning on going to a party, disregarding any misconceptions this girl may have had about my intentions, I wanted to go meet other people, not hang out with her. I'm trying in general to be a better person when it comes to things like this though, not taking pleasure in the sorrows of other people. But in this special case, with this very special person, I just don't care. Every once in awhile, I feel a sense of duty to live up to another person's karma. :)

Reverting back to what I was talking about, I think that California will give me all the opportunities I could want to achieve those goals, its up to me then. I like that challenge though, these little things are the hardest for me. Big colossal achievements are never that big of a deal, but the little things that I should be doing everyday seem like the most daunting of tasks to keep up on; this is the biggest problem I need a remedy for before I head off to college.

Now I will do something productive, expand my music collection on my mp3 player. I'm going to dig through my brothers stack of a hundred or so CD's and see whats the what. He has a tremendous jazz collection, how can I not look?



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